Jumat, 24 Juni 2011

my beautiful world : s a n d a l s


hai hai..i wanna tell you about my another beautiful world. now, i tell you about my sandals. why do i tell you about sandals? actually, i don't know why. hahahahaha..*jayus.co.id*
sandals is my important thing for me, of course for you all. i have some story about my sandals.

my pretty sandals
this is my sandals that given by My Mom to me that got from Magelang. yeah..that's make from leather, i don't know from what leather. but, i wear it just 2-3 times. why? because my Mom forbit me to wear it by usual. hahahaha..because i'm "kosro". so, my Mom doesn't believe me to use this habitally. :)

my great sandals
i love this sandals, because i buy this by my self. and need a struggle to get it. actually, not. but i have a story about this sandals, and my friend, Titus. i get it with Her, and she wanna buy sandals like it. but, she doesn't get the another type of it in the same store as mine. so, we arround store to store, Mall to Mall to get it. that was 09.30 pm. and then, we remember that there are a store that sell it, that's Eigers Store by self. so we drive the motorcycle with the high acceleration (lebay.co.id). but, after we arrived, the store would closed. we run to the merchant, and please to him to open the store, because we wanna get the sandals. Alhamdulillah, the merchant opened the store, and we directly search it. Alhamdulillah, we get it..thanks to the merchant..;)

4 komentar:

  1. yep, benar2 gak penting.. :D

  2. hahahahahahahahaha..gara2 galau ditengah ngerjain TA..pengen ngepost yang ga penting2..

  3. waa, iya za, keinget bener kita kebut2an, hehe
    alhamdulillah akhirnya dapet :)

  4. hahahahahaha...iya tus...akhirnya...hahahahaha....uda mau tutup lagi tokonya,,,


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